Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Mad" Ann Bailey (1742-November 22nd, 1825)

"Mad" Anne Bailey was a very interesting and colorful character of what was then Virginia and the Northwest Territories.  Her story is fascinating and I had the pleasure to speak with a lady who does re-enactments portraying "Mad" Ann. You can visit her blog link at and you can see a video of her portraying "Mad" Ann by going to this link also WIKI has an excellent entry on "Mad" Ann Bailey which you can visit by clicking here It is time for the story of this Heroic Woman to be known and I hope to do a Radio Show episode on her, in the near future.

Monday, November 15, 2010

New "Rosales' History of The South" Radio Show Episode (Show #2, 15 Minutes Long).

I did a new episode of "Rosales' History of The South" Radio Show.
Welcome to Rosales' History of The South (Show #2). I will be talking about Hispanic Confederate Officers from the Gulf Coast (Capt. Thomas Cooper De Leon, a Spanish / Sephardic Jew and Spaniard (Catalonian) Lt. Peter Horta, as well as some Spanish History from Louisiana and Spanish Colonial Era Settler to Alabama, Antonio Espejo, plus whatever else we can fit into 15 minutes worth of topics. You can listen to the show here

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Peter (Pedro) Horta, Hispanic Confederate Officer, Mobile, Alabama // Pedro Horta, Oficial Del Ejercito Confederado, Mobile, Alabama.

Peter Horta (born 1817, Catalonia, Spain, died April 13th, 1880) was a 2nd Lt. in Company G, of the 21st Alabama Infantry. He was a partner in A.P. Horta with his relative, in New Orleans, Antonio Horta. They had businesses at both New Orleans and Mobile and did business with Havana, Cuba. The Mobile business was located at 27 South Water Street.

Horta married Isabella Byrne (born December 25th, 1833, Scotland, died June 10th, 1922). He was a founding member of the Spanish Benevolent and Mutual Aid Society, of Mobile, Alabama, in 1871, and served, as its 1st President. He was commissioned as a 2nd Lt. on July 1st, 1861, taking the place of M. Rodriguez who resigned.

He built a beautiful home which was later sold to Admiral Raphael Semmes. The home is located at 804 Government Street, Mobile, Alabama. He and his wife are buried at Catholic Cemetery, in Mobile, Alabama. It was listed in the National Register of Historic Places, on February 25th, 1970 and is known as the Horta-Semmes Home. // Photo on left is The Horta-Semmes Home. //// You can listen to the radio show episode I did on Peter Horta by clicking on this link, I hope you enjoy the show.

You can visit and learn about the Cuba Libre Camp Project of the Admiral Semmes Camp 11, Sons of Confederate Veterans which is a project to identify all known Cuban Confederate Soldiers, as well as other Hispanics and Minorities who served in the Confederate Military.


Pedro "Peter" Horta (nació en 1817 en Cataluña, España, falleció Abril13, 1880) era un segundo teniente en la compañia G, de la 21a Infanteria de Alabama. El fué socio de A.P. Horta con su pariente, en Nueva Orleans, Antonio Horta. Ellos tenian negocios en Nueva Orleans y Mobile y negociaban con La Habana, Cuba. El negocio de Mobile estaba ubicado en 27 South Water Street.

Horta contrajo matrimonio con Isabella Byrne (nacida el 25 de Diciembre, 1833 en Escocia y murió el 10 de Junio, 1922). Fué miembro fundador de la Sociedad Benevolente y Ayuda Mutua, de Mobile, Alabama en 1871 y sirvió como su primer Presidente. Fué comisionado como un segundo teniente el 1 de Julio de 1861, reemplazando a M. Rodriguez quien renunció.

El construyó una preciosa casa la cual fué vendida después al Admiral Raphael Semmes. La casa está ubicada en el 804 Government Street en Mobile, Alabama. Su casa fué nombrada en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos el 25 de Febrero, 1970 y es conocida como la Casa Horta-Semmes. El y su esposa están sepultados en el Cementerio Católico en Mobile. // La foto en este articulo es de la Casa Horta-Semmes.